Thank you for your interest in booking a holiday property with Down South Getaways and Property Management. Should you proceed to make a booking with us, you will be deemed to have read, accepted and agreed to all our Booking Terms & Conditions as set out below;


1.1 The person who has booked the property in their name must be staying at the property and will be held responsible for the conduct of all guests and for the condition of the Property, its contents and surroundings.

1.2 You are granted a limited permission to occupy the Property for holiday purposes only. This is not a residential tenancy agreement under the residential tenancy legislation.

1.3 Your occupancy is granted for the period stated in your booking (only) and in consideration of the total rental stated in your booking invoice.

1.4 The number of persons staying at the Property (Guests) must not at any time exceed the advertised maximum number of persons for the Property unless we have first agreed with you otherwise in writing. In the case that the maximum number of persons is exceeded, your occupancy may be immediately terminated and/or additional rental fees charged and deducted from your security bond.

1.5 You will be responsible for all damages, breakages and losses occurring to the Property &/or it’s contents, and any damages to/losses of hired linen during the term of your occupancy. Any associated costs, expenses or damages arising to the property owner or Down South Getaways as a result of any such damage, breakage or loss will be deducted from your security bond.

1.6 All Guests must comply with the Property Rules, respect the residential amenity and security of the Property and neighbours, and refrain from anti-social behaviour. Should Down South Getaways receive a complaint from neighbours about antisocial behaviour at the property, they will attempt to contact you immediately. Should you not be contactable, Down South Getaways will attend the property immediately. Should this need to occur, or should Police be required to attend, a fee of $50 will be automatically deducted from your security bond.

1.7 You must notify us of any disputes or complaints as soon as is practicable.

1.8 Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions (including the Property Rules) may result in termination of your permission to occupy the Property and eviction and/or charges against your security bond.


2.1 Unless we agree with you otherwise, all bookings require a deposit of up to 50% of the total fees (nightly lease fees, service/cleaning fee & hire items), which is to be paid by the due date stated on the Booking quote &/or invoice. Acceptance of your booking is subject to our receiving payment of the deposit by the due date and providing you with written confirmation that your deposit is received. This can come by way of email from us, Stayz/HomeAway or Airbnb. If you do not confirm & pay the deposit on time, we can offer your chosen dates to other enquirers.

2.2 All of your holiday fees (nightly lease fees, service fee & hire items), must be received by us, in cleared funds, no less than 28 days prior to your arrival date, or the due date as stated on your Booking quote/invoice. You will be sent a friendly reminder that payment is due. If payment is not received by the due date, you will be given 2 further days to ensure payment is made otherwise your chosen dates can be re-advertised as available until you make payment or your booking is cancelled.

2.3 In all cases, a security bond must be received by us, in cleared funds, no less than seven days prior to your arrival date or as stated on your Booking quote/invoice. You will not be given access to the property until all monies as stated on the Booking Invoice are paid in full. If any monies are outstanding upon your arrival date, your booking can be cancelled and all monies paid forfeited.

2.4 Clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 & 2.4 above are amended in the instance that the booking is for high demand dates, for dates very far in advance, last minute and/or the arrival date is within four weeks of the booking date.

High demand dates we reserve the right to ask for 100% of the nightly lease fees to be paid as the deposit.

Dates far in advance that are of a high lease value we can arrange for lease fees to be paid in 3 instalments rather than 2 but the total lease fees will still need to be paid no later than six weeks prior to arrival.

Last minute bookings (arrival within two weeks of booking date)– full payment will be due immediately and non-payment will result in the chosen dates being available for other enquirers and access to the property being denied.

2.5 Your booking is confirmed in good faith at the time of acceptance, however acceptance of a booking is subject always to the Property owner’s approval. Should the Property owner do anything which results in the Property being no longer available or suitable for the booking (such as selling the Property, taking it off the rental market or changing the nature of the Property), then we reserve our rights to cancel the booking. In this case, we will endeavour to make alternative arrangements that are suitable to you, or else we will refund to you any lease fees/security bond paid.

2.6 The security bond will be held in an account by us and refunded (subject to our inspection of the Property), within 14 days of your departure. Fees and charges may be deducted from your security bond as provided in these Booking Terms and Conditions. In the event that you do not contact us with your bank account details after receiving notice from us to do so, the bond/s will be held for a period of 12 months from your check-out date and after that time any unclaimed funds will be donated to a charity of our choosing.

2.7 All bonds paid will be refunded by transfer back into the guests nominated bank account or credit/debit card (VISA or Mastercard only). International guest bond will be refunded back to credit/debit card (VISA or Mastercard only). It is advised that once processed, refunds can take up to seven working days to appear on banking statements.

2.8 We reserve the right to charge a higher bond than advertised at our discretion. This will be communicated during the quoting process and prior to a guest accepting a booking.


3.1 Any nightly lease fees paid prior to the date of cancellation/non-payment will not be refunded unless the property is re-let for the period of the proposed occupancy for at least your agreed rental. If re-let for a lesser amount, you will be liable for the difference.

3.2 If re-let, an administration fee applies, which is equivalent to 10% of the fees paid to-date plus any difference in the re-booked nightly lease fees. The balance of funds will be released to you, less the administration fee, within 7 days of the property being re-let.

3.3 Where a guest wishes to amend their booking by cancelling a portion of the nights confirmed to book, the following will apply:

3.31 -If this occurs no less than 6 weeks prior to arrival, there shall be no penalty

3.32 -The amendment must still adhere to any minimum night stays advertised on the dates in question

3.33 - DSG reserves the right to reject the request to amend and cancel the booking at their discretion

3.34 - If this occurs within 6 weeks of an arrival date then the portion of nightly lease fees paid prior to the date of cancellation/amendment will not be refunded unless the property is re-let for the cancelled nights for at least your agreed rental fee. If re-let for a lesser amount, you will be liable for the difference.

3.4 In the event of a declared natural disaster and the guest is unable to access the property for their stay due to road closure, Down South Getaways will offer a full refund for those nights that the Guest is unable to access the property. For those nights following the road closure that the Guest is able to gain access, a credit to the value of the same number of nights will be offered for future stay at the same property to be used within six months during a time of equal or lesser value. In the event that Down South Getaways are no longer managing the said property, the number of nights credited will be available to be used at another Down South Getaways property of similar value.

3.5 In the event of a declared natural disaster and local Government authority advise that roads are open however it is unsafe to travel on or roads are open for essential travel only, the Guest will be entitled to a credit only for future stay to the value of the same number of nights at the same property and to be used within six months during the same tariff period. In the event that Down South Getaways are no longer managing the booked property, the number of nights credited will be available to be used at another Down South Getaways property of similar value.


4.1 We accept payment via BPay and have an eftpos facility for Debit/Credit Card payments which can be administered over the phone or via email.

4.2 Payments made via Debit/Credit Card will incur a 1.5% surcharge of the total amount being invoiced.

4.3 Payments through the Stayz online payment system incur a 2% service fee, charged by Stayz.

4.4 Down South Getaways does not record Guests’ card information unless given approval do so. As with providing card information externally through any means, Guests’ must make their own judgement on the risk of doing so.


5.1 Your rental period will commence at 2pm on your arrival date OR 4pm if staying at SUNSET COVE or SALT properties. Your keys will be available for collection in a locked box at the entrance of the property. Your secure code will be provided to you on the day of arrival via your provided mobile phone number.

5.2 Your rental period will end at 10am on your departure date. You must vacate the Property by 10am sharp on the departure date unless we have agreed with you otherwise. Failure to check-out by the agreed time will result in automatic bond deduction of $20 + GST per half hour over the specified time.

5.3 Upon departure keys must be returned to the locked box or to the place keys were left for you at arrival. Non-return of keys may be charged an extra fee of $250 which will be deducted from your security bond.

5.4 In the event there is damage, unsatisfactory cleaning or rubbish at the Property upon your arrival, please report this to us immediately. We will endeavour to rectify as appropriate.


6.1 The Property will be cleaned prior to commencement of your rental and we ask that you leave the Property in a tidy condition. Please remove any open food from the fridge and pantry and take all excess rubbish with you.

6.2 Your booking fees include a regular clean upon your departure. Extraordinary cleaning required will be charged at $40.00 + GST per hour which will be deducted from your security bond. BBQ cleaning can be charged at up to $50 as an extra if not left clean upon departure.


7.1 All rubbish must be placed in the bins provided (but bins must not be overflowing). Rubbish must not be left in public or common areas and will not be collected from the roadside if not inside the bin.

7.2 Bins must be put out the night before the local collection. Collection day can be found in the Guest Information booklet inside the home.

7.3 Please remove any excess garbage from the Property upon departure. Bins left overflowing and any other excess garbage left behind will incur a removal charge of $35.00 + GST per bag which will be deducted from your security bond. Unless discussed with Down South Getaways staff.


8.1 Doonas, doona covers, sheets, pillows, pillow cases and tea towels will be supplied with the Property as hired items.

8.2 You can choose to hire from us or bring your own bath towels, face washers, hand towels & bath mats. Please contact us at least 3 weeks prior to your arrival date if you wish to hire bathroom linen at your own cost.

8.3 Any missing, damaged or soiled hire items or excessive laundering costs will be charged to you and deducted from your security bond. This includes the linen bags in which the linen is provided.

8.4 In the instance where property bedding (doona covers, decorative pillow cases, mattress protectors etc) are found to be soiled or marked we will have the effected items laundered and the cost deducted from the security bond. Any other property linen (ie: tea towels, spare bedding, spare towels) or soft furnishings (ie: sofa cushions, sofa covers, throw rugs, curtains etc) that are found soiled / marked or missing will be laundered or replaced and the cost deducted from the security bond. 

8.5 Beach towels are not included in the property hire or the linen hire so much always be brought by the guest.

8.6 We reserve the right to request certain bookings include linen hire as mandatory. This would be communicated during the quoting process and prior to a guest accepting a booking.


9.1 Pets are NOT allowed at the Property unless we have agreed with you otherwise in writing. Your security bond will be forfeited if pets are brought to the Property without prior permission.

9.2 If pets are agreed upon and a pet deposit is paid, please note that pets are allowed outside only. Any visible sign of a pet being inside will result in an automatic $50 deduction from your bond, plus we also reserve the right to have the carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned and the property fumigated if necessary. This will be deducted from the pet bond and/or security bond.

9.3 Any extraordinary cleaning required due to a pet being inside will incur fees of $40 + GST (on top of automatic $50 penalty fee mentioned above) which will be deducted from the pet bond and/or security bond.

9.4 Any property damage caused by a pet will be rectified and the costs for such deducted from the pet bond and/or security bond.

9.5 All pet excrement, holes and any other mess caused by animals must be tidied/cleaned up throughout guest stays and prior to departure. Failure to clean up after your pet will result in an automatic bond deduction of $50 + GST.


10.1 Neither Down South Getaways and Property Management nor the Property owner takes any responsibility for your personal belongings. If you believe you have left personal items behind, please notify us in writing. If we are notified and can locate the item/s, we will post them back to you at your own cost.

Down South Getaways and Property Management will hold on to any items not belonging to the property for up to four weeks. If we are not notified in writing by guests who are missing any such items, we will donate to a local charity of our choice.

10.2 We have endeavoured in good faith to accurately describe the Property to you based upon information that has been provided by the Property owner. We do not take any responsibility for incorrect descriptions or omissions and we will not be held liable should the Property not match your expectations.

10.3 Down South Getaways and Property Management does not offer any refunds or part-refunds to guests who believe the property is not up to their personal standards. All properties are professionally photographed, accurately described and professionally cleaned.

10.4 You indemnify and will keep us indemnified against any claims, actions, damages, losses, or expenses which we incur or are liable for as result of any action or omission by you or any of your guests in connection with your occupancy of the premises.

10.5 Guests and other occupants (family, friends, children, pets, visitors etc) are responsible for their own use of or contact with any products, materials, food stuffs, plants etc located in/on the property and have no claim against the owner or Down South Getaways for any mis-use, allergies, reactions, injury etc that may occur.

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