1. Guests must comply with the Booking Terms and Conditions including these Property Rules and any other reasonable instructions from us.

2. You must notify us of any disputes or complaints from neighbours as soon as is practicable.

3. Guests must not create noise which is offensive to occupiers of neighbouring properties at any time throughout the occupancy.

4. Offensive noise is prohibited and may result in termination of permission to occupy the Property, eviction, loss of rental paid and extra charges for security and other expenses which may be deducted from your security bond.  

5. Guests must not engage in anti-social behaviour and must minimise their impact upon the residential amenity of neighbours and local community. Should Down South Getaways receive a complaint from neighbours about antisocial behaviour at the property, they will attempt to contact you immediately. Should you not be contactable, Down South Getaways will attend the property immediately. Should this need to occur, or should Police be required to attend, a fee of $50 will be automatically deducted from your security bond.

6. The Property must not be used for the hosting of any parties, gatherings or functions of any sort unless discussed prior to arrival with Down South Getaways and Property Management.

7. Guests must comply with parking regulations and show consideration to neighbours and other vehicles.

8. Specific parking arrangements for the Property (if any) will be set out in your tenant arrival information and must be complied with.

9. No tents or caravans are allowed on or around the Property.   

10. All rubbish must be placed in the bins provided (not to be overflowing).  Rubbish must not be left in public or common areas and will not be collected from the roadside if not inside the bin.  

11. Bins must be put out the night before the local collection. 

12. Bins left overflowing and any other excess garbage left behind will incur a removal charge of $35.00 + G.S.T. per bag which will be deducted from your security bond.

13. Whenever you are absent from the property, please close all windows and doors to maintain security and prevent rain and water damage.

14. Smoking is NOT permitted inside the Property.  Your security bond will be forfeited if there is evidence of smoking inside the Property in order to fumigate and clean the Property. Any cigarette butts left outside the property in garden beds/ lawn etc will result in an automatic $35 bond deduction.

15. Pets are NOT allowed at the Property unless we have agreed with you otherwise in writing.  Your security bond will be forfeited if pets are brought to the Property without prior permission.

If pets are agreed upon and a pet deposit is paid, please note that pets are allowed OUTSIDE only. Any visible sign of a pet being inside will result in an automatic $50 bond deduction, plus we reserve the right to have the carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned and the property fumigated if necessary. This will be deducted from the pet bond and/or security bond.

Any extraordinary cleaning required due to a pet being inside or damage caused to the property by a pet will be rectified and the costs for such deducted from the pet bond and/or security bond.

Not cleaning up after your pet (ie: excrement) will result in an automatic bond deduction of $50 + GST.

16. The BBQ should be left clean upon your departure, otherwise a 'BBQ Cleaning Fee' of up to $50.00 will be deducted from your bond.

17. If the BBQ gas bottle is empty during the course of your stay, please have refilled or swapped at the local hardware or petrol station and present us with the receipt. We will reimburse you when your security bond refund is processed.

18. Most Properties have septic tanks so please DO NOT FLUSH DOWN ANY SANITARY PRODUCTS, DISPOSABLE NAPPIES, ETC.  If the septic becomes blocked and requires pumping you may be charged.

19. You must report to us immediately upon your arrival (or as soon as you become aware of, but not upon departure) any of the following:-

    a. any damage or breakages to the Property its fixtures, fittings or contents

    b. any other unsatisfactory matter or incident at the Property

20. If hiring linen - any missing, damaged or soiled items or excessive laundering costs will be charged to you and deducted from your security bond. This includes the linen bags in which the linen is provided.

Please place all wet bathroom items in the bathtub or in a neat pile on the bathroom floor.

21.  In the instance where beds have been slept in without the use of linen (top & bottom sheets, pillow cases), the costs involved in laundering all Property bedding will be deducted from your security bond, including stripping bedding (mattress protectors, pillow protectors, doona covers), laundering all bedding, ironing and re-attending property to re-make beds.

22. In the instance where property bedding (doona covers, decorative pillow cases, mattress protectors etc) are found to be soiled or marked we will have any effected items laundered and the cost deducted from the security bond.

Any other property linen (ie: tea towels, spare bedding, spare towels) or soft furnishings (ie: sofa cushions, sofa covers, throw rugs, curtains etc) that are found soiled / marked or missing will be laundered or replaced and the cost deducted from the security bond.

23. Please leave the Property clean and tidy, including wiping out the fridge and freezer, emptying the dishwasher and cleaning the oven and microwave to avoid excess cleaning being deducted from your security bond.

24. Please place all DVD’s and CD’s used back in their covers after use and neaten any other items used at the home.

A breach of these House Rules is a breach of the terms and conditions of occupancy. We, and the Owner, reserve the right to terminate permission to occupy and to evict you and all Guests and anyone else refusing to follow these Property Rules or causing a nuisance.

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